Sunday 17 July 2016

Take Selfies from your android phone with gestures using Snapi app

Introducing ‘Snapi’ app for android,This app helps us to capture touch the selfies from our android phones using gestures,Taking selfies of a group of friends,using touch leads to shaked hand ,which causes it to be blurred,and also there is a need to find someone to capture your image or setting the timer,timers also don’t works as they are supposed to,the count down causes pressures,effecting the pose,Snapi app lets us take selfies using our hand gestures,let’s see how to use it.

How to begin:-
To begin using this app ,just download it from the Playstore,after downloading the app open it and goto the settings,set the count down timer,as per your convenience,that gives you enough time to re-position your hands,turn sound alerts for focus,configure shutter and count down functions.
Once you have configured the app,just give it a try,to capture the image just raise your phone,make a fist and open it,to start up the count down timer,once the timer reaches zero,the pic gets captured.

This app supports both front and rear camera,keep a distance of about 4m ,a large number of people/area can be covered from more distance,some of the latest phones have already implemented this feature,that let’s the users capture images using their hand gestures,Just give it a try now,if you haven’t experience it yet.

Thursday 16 June 2016

What does Search Description Mean?

How you can use the Search Description for getting best result in SERPs. Search description is really important for attracting the targeted traffic to your blog. It informs the visitors about the type of content present inside a particular blog post in SERPs.  WordPress users can use different SEO plugins, which simplifies their work but what about Blogger users? Can they modify the Search Description according to their need? The answer is “Yes”. If you don’t know anything about “Search Description”, don’t worry. I will deal everything.
What does Search Description Mean?
When we search for anything in Google or any other search engine, it returns some results which contains the Title, url address and some description. Title appears first, followed by link and Search Description. It is “Search Description” which gives idea to your users about the content. If they find it helpful, they visit your post otherwise they look for some other post. For understanding it better, have a look on below given figure which shows, how “Search Description” appears in Search Engine Result Pages(SERPs).
Have a close look on above given figure. The first result contains relevant Description so user will find it helpful and will love to check the article. On the other hand, the second result doesn’t look promising because it doesn’t contain relevant Description. Most of the time, users doesn’t visit such links.
How to enable Search Description for blog posts in blogger?
Simply follow the below given steps to enable Search Description for blog posts in blogger:
  • First of all, Sign into your
  • In Dashboard, Click on “Settings“. You will see the below given procedure:

  • After that, Click on “Search Preferences“. You would be able to see a new screen on the right hand side. Simply click on “Edit” link of “Description” to enable it.
  • Choose the “Yes”  radio button and write a short description about your blog in the Description box.
  • Once done, click on “Save Changes” button. Doing this will enable search description for blog posts. Enjoy.

How to add Custom Search Description in Blogger Blog Posts?
  • After enabling the Search Description for blog posts, either open any existing blog post or create a New blog post. I will prefer to apply it in new blog posts.  To create a new blog post, click on “New Post

Create a new Post in Blogger

  • Have a Look on Right hand side options and click on “Search Description” Option. For understanding it better,
  • After doing this, you will see a Text Box. Just write your desired Search Description. While doing so, make sure that it only contains 156 characters because search engine doesn’t show more than 156 characters in their results. Also make sure that, it contains relevant information about your blog post.
  • Once done, click on “Done” button and enjoy.
Why Custom Search Description is Necessary for you?
I have following facts in support of my claim:

1. Irrelevant Search Description affects your Traffic

As you all know, Search Description gives users, a brief idea about the content of a blog post so it should be relevant all the time. If it is not relevant , user will not visit your blog or website. Always remember “Your first impression is your last impression” and your first impression appears in search result in terms of Title and search description.
If you haven’t enabled the search description for blog posts in blogger, it will automatically add search description to your blog post based upon the content. However, there is no guarantee that it will always add relevant search description. I have noticed that, it adds irrelevant search description so many times so it’s always better to use Custom Search description for blog posts. If you have facility, use it.

2. Best Suited for a Video or Picture Blog

Most of the time, a video or a Picture blog only contains Videos and Pictures. It means, these blogs contains very less textual contents. Automatic search description facility provided by blogger fails in this scenario. It happens because automatic search description are generated on the basis of textual contents.
In such blogs, enabling search description and then using Custom search description in blog posts are necessary. After doing that, your title will contain a relevant search description about the video in search results. User will come to know about your post. It will increase the number of visitors in your blog.
The main advantage of this functionality is, it doesn’t ask you to add text in your video or photo blog for the generation of Search Description. Have a look on below given figure:

In the above figure, You can clearly see that, there is very few texts but still, it will show a relevant Search Description in SERPs(Search Engine Result Pages). That’s the benefit.

Now Make any Video Screen Responsive in WordPress and Blogger

Due to the popularity of Smart Phones and Tablets, Most of the Web designers will recommend you to use “Screen Responsive”  Layout in your website or blogs. As you all know, WordPress and Blogger are two best platforms for blogging . WordPress supports Theme whereas Blogger Platform supports Templates. Few months ago, I provided the List of Best 5 Free Screen Responsive Blogger Templates  on this blog. Now, So many users are using these templates and they thanked me for providing this list. However, They also complained that their embedded video appears stretched in Small Screen Devices. I got similar complaints from WordPress users, Who were using Screen Responsive WordPress Theme. Due to this reason, I have decided to provide you a Fix for this.
We can make any video, Screen responsive either by using CSS or Javascript/JQuery. In this tutorial, I will show you both methods. If you don’t know the meaning of “Screen Responsive“, See the above figure. It shows how, an YouTube video appears normally in all kind of Screens. Normally, We make our website, Screen responsive for better user’s experience.
How to make any Video Screen Responsive in WordPress?
As I said earlier, There are two ways of making an YouTube video Screen Responsive.  WordPress supports Plugins as well so we can accomplish this task in 3 ways.

Method1: By using FitVids Plugin

  • Open your WordPress Admin Dashboard. You can do this by logging into
  • Now, Go to Plugins>>Add New.
  • You will see a new window. Simply, Type “fitvids” in the Search textbox and hit the “Search Plugins” button.
  • You will see “fitvids” plugin in search results at the top. Simply, Click on “Install Now“.
  • Once done, Activate the Plugin by clicking on “Activate Plugin” option.
  • After activating the Plugin, Navigate to Appearance>>FitVids. You will see a new screen.
  • In this screen, Put a check mark on the check box which says “Add jQuery 1.7.2 from Google CDN” . In JQuery Selector field, use “.post” . I am using this class because WordPress automatically adds “.post” class to its articles. Once done, Click on Save changes.
  • That’s it. You have made your embedded videos, Screen responsive. Test your wordpress blog in different screen and check the video. Enjoy.

Method 2: By using CSS

Use of so many Plugins can make a wordPress blog heavy which may irritate users. To avoid this, You can use CSS for accomplishing this task. The steps for doing the same are given below:
  • In the admin dashboard of your WordPress Blog, Navigate to Appearance>>Editor. 
  • Now, Click on “Style.css” file because you will have to add some CSS codes in this sheet. If your theme doesn’t have “style.css” file, try to look for “stylesheet.css”.
  • Add below given CSS codes at the end of  this file.
.video-container {
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 56.25%;
padding-top: 30px; height: 0; overflow: hidden;
.video-container iframe,
.video-container object,
.video-container embed {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
  • Once done, Click on “Update File” button. You have done 80% of your task.
  • To make your embedded Video, Screen Responsive, use the “<iframe>” code inside the “<div id=”video-container”></div> in “Text Editor” which represents HTML editor in WordPress Blogs.
<div class=”video-container”><iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”//” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
  • That’s it. You are done. Use the same div everytime while embedding any Video in your Blog.

Method3: By using Script

  • For making your embedded videos, Screen responsive in WordPress using Script, Navigate to Appearance>>Editor.
  • Now, Click on “header.php” file.
  • In “Header.php” file, add the below given scripts just above closing head tag i.e “</head>” .
<script src=jquery.fitvids.js></script>
  • Now, You can make your embedded video, Screen responsive by usingid=”your-video” in div element in Text editor which represents HTML editor screen in WordPress. Always use your iframe code inside “<div id=”your-video”></div>“.  For example, see below:
<div id=”your-video”><iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”//” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
  • That’s it. You are done.
How to make any Video Responsive in Blogger?
In Blogger, We can accomplish this task either by using CSS or by Script. Both methods are explained below:

Method 1: Making Video Responsive By using CSS Codes

  • Log into your Blogger Blog’s Dashboard.
  • Now Click on the “Template” Option present in the left hand side.
  • After that, Click on “Edit HTML” option.
  • In “Template Editor” , Press Ctrl + F button on your keyboard and search for “]]></b:skin>“. 
  • Add the below given CSS Codes just above “]]></b:skin>“. It will be used to make your video, Screen resposnive.
.video-container {
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 56.25%;
padding-top: 30px; height: 0; overflow: hidden;
.video-container iframe,
.video-container object,
.video-container embed {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
  • Once done, Click on “Save Template” button. Now, You can make your video Screen responsive by using your iframe codes in “<div class=”video-container”></div>” in HTML mode while writing contents in Post or Pages. See the below given example:
<div><iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”//” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
  • To make your embedded video Screen responsive, always use your iframe code in above given format.

Method 2: Making Video Responsive by using Scripts

  • Log into your Blogger Blog’s Dashboard and click on “Template” Option. The screenshot for the same is shown below:
  • Now click on “Edit HTML” button. The screenshot is shown below:
  • In “Template Editor” window, Press “Ctrl + F” button on your keyboard and search for “</head>” tag. The screenshot is shown below:
  • Just above “</head>” tag, add the below given scripts:
<script src=jquery.fitvids.js></script>
  • Once done, Click on “Save Template” button. After that, You can make your video screen responsive by using your iframe code inside “<div id=”your-video”></div>”  in HTML editor window in Post or Pages. See the below given example:
<div id=”your-video”><iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”//” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
  • That’s it. Use the same format every time while writing  contents on your Posts and Pages. Enjoy.

How to Get Traffic from Search Engines?

Actually, it’s not only you, so many bloggers are there who are not able to drive enough traffic from search engines. This is also the reason why they quit blogging. Don’t ever think to quit because maybe this is the time you are just about to see a break-through in your blogging career.I hope this title made you little excited as many of you might be failing in driving search engine traffic to your blog.
If your first reaction after reading the title of this article was “Traffic from search engines?” then read on. The first thing that you need to know is that if your traffic is low and only a few of your posts are driving traffic from search engines, the you’re doing something wrong.
Here are some reasons why you are not getting enough traffic from search engines.
1. Your Blog is not Indexed Yet
If your blog is not indexed, your blog post will not get any place in SERPs(Search Engine Result Pages). Thus they can’t send traffic to your blog. Normally, search engines automatically index new blogs. If you are not sure whether your blog is indexed by Google or not, just search for “” in Google Search. It will show you the number of indexed pages. See the screenshot which is attached below.
Not getting enough traffic from search engines
Sometime, Google may take few days to index your new blog. If you don’t want to wait, this article titled “How to index a new blog within 5 minute in Google” can help you. Depending on the popularity of your blog, Google’s spider will visit and index your blog posts. It means, they visit and index a popular blog’s content more frequently as compared to a new blog which is not that popular.
2.You are Writing on topics which are not searched
When you write a blog post without researching, you don’t know whether people are looking for that kind of topic or not. Consider a simple example –
You want to know about “Affiliate Marketing” so you typed that keyword in Google. In SERPs, you found two articles. One has a title “How to make money through Affiliate Marketing” and the other has a title “an Affiliate’s dog Rocky“. Which article would you prefer reading? I think, you will go for the first one.
So the funda is simple. People will only come to your blog, if you are writing on something that people are searching for. It doesn’t matter how well you write your articles. If it is not a topic of people’s interest, you will never get traffic from search engines. If you want to target the right Audience, you must use “Keyword Research”.
3. You are not using Keywords Properly
If you already know about Keyword Research and still not getting enough search engine traffic, then you’re again doing something wrong. During keyword Research, make sure that they are searched at least 1000 times per month and are relevant to your audience. In addition to this, also make sure that you are using them in your Headlines(Titles). Titles are extremely important because they appear in SERPs. If your title is catchy and contains relevant keywords, you are likely to get visitors.
Never focus on keywords which are already used by so many popular blogs because it is extremely tough to outrank these established sites especially when they are older.
4. Your Posts are not Rich in Contents
While indexing, Google give more importance to high quality articles. For example -There are two articles on same topic “How to earn money online?”. One has 100 words with little information. On the other hand, other has 2,000 words with complete information. Google will definitely put the 2,000 word article at the top.
Based on Research conducted by Neil Patel, Google give importance to rich contents rather than the number of words.
content length in SEO
It means that a blog post with 600 words with quality content is better than another post which has 3,000 words but useless contents.
5. You are not Linking
If you have visited the blog of any problogger, you might have noticed that they link their keywords either with their old blog posts or other blogs. When you link any particular keyword to your own blog posts, it’s called “Internal Linking” and when you link to other relevant blog, it’s called “External Linking”. Both internal and external linking is very useful because it add more value to your blog post specially for google.
If you are not linking internally or externally, you are sending wrong message to google.
6. Images on your Blog are not Optimized
There is a misconception that traffic are driven only by ruling SERPs on Google’s web search so they don’t optimize their images for Search Engines. It would be interesting for you to know that Google’s image search is also a major source of traffic. Normally, search engines can’t read images but you can make them readable by adding alt tag.
Must Read – How to Optimize Images for Search Engines
Why Keyword Research is So Important?
If you have read all above points carefully, i am sure that you are now aware of mistake you were committing on your blog. No you also know at least few method to fix them. The best method for getting Search engine Traffic is undoubtedly “Keyword Research”:
#1. Keyword Research:an Introduction
If cell is the fundamental unit of life, “Keyword Research” is definitely the fundamental unit of Blogging and SEO. I am saying this because both users and search engine depends on them to find your site. It’s keyword research which is responsible for ranking a website either on page 1 of Google or page 200. By using high CPC keywords in your blog posts, you can increase your adsense earnings as well. Now, you will ask “How to do a Keyword Research”. I am not going to explain this right now. May be, i will explain it in my next article. Anyway, you can know more about Keyword Research through below given articles.
Moz Blog Article- Beginner’s Guide to Keyword Research
Maddlemings Blog Article- Guide to Keyword Research using Google Keyword Planner Tool
ShoutMeLoud Blog Article- Keyword Research: Introduction for Newbies
Do you have Answers to Below Questions during Keyword Research?
1. Are people actually Searching for your Keyword?
In order to get traffic from search engines, someone has to be searching for your keyword in Google. If no one’s is looking for your keyword, it simply means no one is interested in knowing about it. So never use any keyword which has less than 1000 search per month. Long Tail Pro and Google Keyword Planner Tool are two best keyword Research Tools. Out of these two, I will highly recommend you to choose Long Tail Pro.
You can also know about the popularity of any keyword through Google either by typing a keyword or a phase in Google search or by checking some search results at the end.
Keyword Research using Google
At the end of page, Google list popular keywords as well. See below given screenshot:
Search engine traffic
2. Is it Difficult for you to Rank in SERPs using your Keyword?
If so many old authority site is using a popular keyword and are ranked in SERPs, it would be extremely difficult for you to out rank old sites. Thus targeting keywords on the basis of high search volume is obviously not a better idea because you will have to face higher competition with established sites. Due to this reason, i will highly recommend you to target keywords which have lower competition.
3. Are you using Long Tail Keywords?
I never recommend bloggers to use simple keywords like “Blogger”,”WordPress” etc because they are much more competitive. Always use Long Tail Keywords because they are less competitive and thus more promising. If you are running a blog on blogging,”Earn Money with WordPress Blog” can be considered long tail keyword. The funda is quite simple- lesser the competition, better the chance of ranking them on search engines.
4. Do you know your Audience?
Before writing anything on your blog, do some research about your potential audience. Always target keywords which are relevant to them. You can easily get information about such keywords through forums, social media platforms and tools like SemRush. If you spend time on forums and social media platform, always participate in the discussion related to your niche. I’m sure that you would be able to know, what people want to read on a blog like yours. Please note that ranking for an irrelevant keyword may attract traffic for short time but never add value to your readers.
5. Do you Analyze your Competitors
You can always learn something from top competitors of your niche so try to analyze them. Always try to know, what keywords they are using. Domain and page authority also matters so install tools like MozBar and SEO Toolbar. In many cases, more than two blog of your niche can use the same keyword. In such cases, you should use a long tailed version. I mean, create a long tail version using their keywords. It will really help. Some tools that are considered good for analyzing the keywords of your competitors are:
Your Term Now
Competition keep on changing with trends and thus the keyword research. Due to this reason, it’s important to analyze your keywords after every few months. Renew your keywords after deciding what will work best. I use Google Trends for knowing about hot topics and i believe it’s the best tool for that.
In this article, i tried to cover everything. Please share your thoughts with me in the comments section below. Share your research work and inform me what worked and what didn’t.
Incoming search terms:

Get Traffic from Search Engines?

I hope this title made you little excited as many of you might be failing in driving search engine traffic to your blog. Actually, it’s not only you, so many bloggers are there who are not able to drive enough traffic from search engines. This is also the reason why they quit blogging. Don’t ever think to quit because maybe this is the time you are just about to see a break-through in your blogging career.
If your first reaction after reading the title of this article was “Traffic from search engines?” then read on. The first thing that you need to know is that if your traffic is low and only a few of your posts are driving traffic from search engines, the you’re doing something wrong.

Not Getting Traffic from Search Engines? Major Reasons and their Solutions
Here are some reasons why you are not getting enough traffic from search engines.
1. Your Blog is not Indexed Yet
If your blog is not indexed, your blog post will not get any place in SERPs(Search Engine Result Pages). Thus they can’t send traffic to your blog. Normally, search engines automatically index new blogs. If you are not sure whether your blog is indexed by Google or not, just search for “” in Google Search. It will show you the number of indexed pages. See the screenshot which is attached below.
Sometime, Google may take few days to index your new blog. If you don’t want to wait, this article titled . Depending on the popularity of your blog, Google’s spider will visit and index your blog posts. It means, they visit and index a popular blog’s content more frequently as compared to a new blog which is not that popular.

2.You are Writing on topics which are not searched
When you write a blog post without researching, you don’t know whether people are looking for that kind of topic or not. Consider a simple example –
You want to know about “Affiliate Marketing” so you typed that keyword in Google. In SERPs, you found two articles. One has a title “How to make money through Affiliate Marketing” and the other has a title “an Affiliate’s dog Rocky“. Which article would you prefer reading? I think, you will go for the first one.
So the funda is simple. People will only come to your blog, if you are writing on something that people are searching for. It doesn’t matter how well you write your articles. If it is not a topic of people’s interest, you will never get traffic from search engines. If you want to target the right Audience, you must use “Keyword Research”.

3. You are not using Keywords Properly
If you already know about Keyword Research and still not getting enough search engine traffic, then you’re again doing something wrong. During keyword Research, make sure that they are searched at least 1000 times per month and are relevant to your audience. In addition to this, also make sure that you are using them in your Headlines(Titles). Titles are extremely important because they appear in SERPs. If your title is catchy and contains relevant keywords, you are likely to get visitors.
Never focus on keywords which are already used by so many popular blogs because it is extremely tough to outrank these established sites especially when they are older.

4. Your Posts are not Rich in Contents
While indexing, Google give more importance to high quality articles. For example -There are two articles on same topic “How to earn money online?”. One has 100 words with little information. On the other hand, other has 2,000 words with complete information. Google will definitely put the 2,000 word article at the top.
Based on Research conducted by Neil Patel, Google give importance to rich contents rather than the number of words.
It means that a blog post with 600 words with quality content is better than another post which has 3,000 words but useless contents.
5. You are not Linking
If you have visited the blog of any problogger, you might have noticed that they link their keywords either with their old blog posts or other blogs. When you link any particular keyword to your own blog posts, it’s called “Internal Linking” and when you link to other relevant blog, it’s called “External Linking”. Both internal and external linking is very useful because it add more value to your blog post specially for google.
If you are not linking internally or externally, you are sending wrong message to google.
6. Images on your Blog are not Optimized
There is a misconception that traffic are driven only by ruling SERPs on Google’s web search so they don’t optimize their images for Search Engines. It would be interesting for you to know that Google’s image search is also a major source of traffic. Normally, search engines can’t read images but you can make them readable by adding alt tag.
Why Keyword Research is So Important?
If you have read all above points carefully, i am sure that you are now aware of mistake you were committing on your blog. No you also know at least few method to fix them. The best method for getting Search engine Traffic is undoubtedly “Keyword Research”:
#1. Keyword Research:an Introduction
If cell is the fundamental unit of life, “Keyword Research” is definitely the fundamental unit of Blogging and SEO. I am saying this because both users and search engine depends on them to find your site. It’s keyword research which is responsible for ranking a website either on page 1 of Google or page 200.  By using high CPC keywords in your blog posts, you can increase your adsense earnings as well.  Now, you will ask “How to do a Keyword Research”. I am not going to explain this right now. May be, i will explain it in my next article. Anyway, you can know more about Keyword Research through below given articles.

Do you have Answers to Below Questions during Keyword Research?

1. Are people actually Searching for your Keyword?

In order to get traffic from search engines, someone has to be searching for your keyword in Google. If no one’s is looking for your keyword, it simply means no one is interested in knowing about it. So never use any keyword which has less than 1000 search per month. Long Tail Pro and Google Keyword Planner Tool are two best keyword Research Tools. Out of these two, I will highly recommend you to choose Long Tail Pro. 
You can also know about the popularity of any keyword through Google either by typing a keyword or a phase in Google search or by checking some search results at the end.

At the end of page, Google list popular keywords as well.

2. Is it Difficult for you to Rank in SERPs using your Keyword?

If so many old authority site is using a popular keyword and are ranked in SERPs, it would be extremely difficult for you to out rank old sites. Thus targeting keywords on the basis of high search volume is obviously not a better idea because you will have to face higher competition with established sites.  Due to this reason, i will highly recommend you to target keywords which have lower competition.

3. Are you using Long Tail Keywords?

I never recommend bloggers to use simple keywords like “Blogger”,”WordPress” etc because they are much more competitive. Always use Long Tail Keywords because they are less competitive and thus more promising. If you are running a blog on blogging,”Earn Money with WordPress Blog” can be considered long tail keyword. The funda is quite simple- lesser the competition, better the chance of ranking them on search engines.

4. Do you know your Audience?

Before writing anything on your blog, do some research about your potential audience. Always target keywords which are relevant to them. You can easily get information about such keywords through forums, social media platforms and tools like SemRush. If you spend time on forums and social media platform, always participate in the discussion related to your niche. I’m sure that you would be able to know, what people want to read on a blog like yours. Please note that ranking for an irrelevant keyword may attract traffic for short time but never add value to your readers.

5. Do you Analyze your Competitors

You can always learn something from top competitors of your niche so try to analyze them. Always try to know, what keywords they are using. Domain and page authority also matters so install tools like MozBar and SEO Toolbar. In many cases, more than two blog of your niche can use the same keyword. In such cases, you should use a long tailed version. I mean, create a long tail version using their keywords. It will really help. Some tools that are considered good for analyzing the keywords of your competitors are:

    SEO tips which are required to get top rankings in search engines

    I am starting a new series i.e “ SEO tips and tricks which are required to get top rankings in search engines” this week on this blog. In this series, I will provide you all kinds of SEO tips and tricks which are required to get top rankings in search engines with Blogger(Blogspot) blogs. I have decided to start this series after getting so many requests from users. So this week, you will learn How to do proper SEO in Blogger Blogs.

    SEO tips and tricks which are required to get top rankings in search engines

    What Exactly is Our Motto behind this Series?

    Blogger is undoubtedly the second best blogging platform after the Self Hosted WordPress Platform. It’s main advantage is its free nature. That’s probably the reason why, so many young blogger starts blogging with this platform. They fail either due to lack of proper knowledge related to their contents or lack of proper SEO knowledge. Blogging is not like a notebook, where you add contents. It need high Quality Contents with proper SEO methods.
    I have started this series specially for New Bloggers, who always find it difficult to get better results even after posting quality contents. I am pretty sure that, you all will love it.

    When will you see the above mentioned Posts Live on this blog?

    As i mentioned earlier, i will post each Posts daily right from today. As shown above, the series contains 6 different Articles related to SEO in blogger. It means, you will get these blog posts in next 6 days.

    Get Backlinks from Wikipedia it easy now.

    Backlinks are the most important part of SEO because it decides your website’s rank in SERPs(Search Engine Result Pages). It means, if your website has a large number of do-follow backlinks from quality sites, it will be ranked higher in Search Engine Result Pages. Dofollow backlinks from a site like Wikipedia(which is 6th most popular website on internet) can boost your site’s ranking within few days. However, Wikipedia doesn’t give do-follow backlinks but you can still get no-follow backlinks which are also helpful. In my previous article I have already discussed the importance of nofollow backlinks.
    Getting Backlinks from Wikipedia will take time and thus requires patience. If you don’t have patience, this article is not for you.
    Few years ago getting backlinks from Wikipedia was relatively easy. Editors were allowed to edit an entry and insert their backlinks. The rules were not so harsh as well. Nowadays the same task is considered tough. Before adding a backlink, you must ensure that your website contains relevant details and it has no ads on it or minimal ads on it. The design of your site also matters so your site must look very professional. Some more checks are also there. Meanwhile you can also check an article on

    Backlinks from Wikipedia – Are they Helpful?

    The backlinks offered by Wikipedia are of “Nofollow” nature and therefore they doesn’t pass any link juice to your website. However, they still have an impact on SEO because Wikipedia is one of the most popular website on internet. Any backlinks that are received from authority sites add SEO value to your website. Additionally, these Backlinks will help you to drive some traffic to your website as well. If you still have confusion regarding the importance of nofollow link, read “

    How to Get Backlinks from Wikipedia?

    • First of all, you will have to Join Wikipedia as Editor. To do this open Wikipedia and click on “Create an Account” link.

    • Fill the Registration form and create your new account.

    • Next step is really important. Enter your keyword in the Search Box and hit enter button. Wikipedia will display the article.
    • Now take some time and do some research on your topic. Once done, Click on “Edit” link. You will be redirected to a text box. Just add more details and your link to that article. Make sure that the content of Wikipedia is maintained.

    • Do not edit content just for adding your link. The editing done by you should be accurate and relevant otherwise you and your content both will be removed from Wikipedia. Other Wiki Editors also check articles. If they suspect any useless editing they will report to Wikipedia.
    • You can give reference links while adding details as well.
    • Take your time while picking Wiki articles to Edit. Always choose the article which has some Scope of adding more details to it.
    • Instead of posting links right from the first day of joining Wikipedia, try to contribute for them and develop some trust.
    • Don’t Spam on Wikipedia. Please read their Posting Guidelines before adding your links or details.